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 How To Change IP Quick!

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Number of posts : 138
Registration date : 2007-03-03

How To Change IP Quick! Empty
PostSubject: How To Change IP Quick!   How To Change IP Quick! Icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2007 8:38 pm

To change the IP address for your Internet connection you have to
change the IP address for the router or modem. On a DSL or Cable modem
(I’ll use modem for short) the IP addresses are dynamically assigned
and can change when the lease is up or when your ISP forces a change,
this is unless you pay for a static IP address.

To see what your modems IP address are you can do a trace route from
the command prompt or go online to a site that will show your IP
address. Like: Click here to see the IP address you show on the internet.

Now you can log off the Internet, turn off your modem, wait 5 minutes
and turn it back on. If you go back to the same site you will see if
the IP address changed or stayed the same.

So changing the IP address on your computer may not change your
Internet IP address. If you do an “ipconfig /all” at the command prompt
you will see the windows configuration and IP address for that
computer. Most but not all of the time the first octet of your IP
address will be 10, 172 or 192 (this are fake none-routable IP

So if your computers IP address and the IP address that you show to the
Internet (use previous link to test) is not the same then that whole
change of the computers IP address are for nothing. On the other hand
if you are creating a home network and would like to have control over
what IP addresses each computer have then you can assign your own IP
addresses. Make sure you use an IP range that is not commonly used for
the Internet. You can create a class A, B, or C network at home and the
NAT (Network Address Translation) will translate the “fake”
non-routable into a routable address (your modem’s IP address)

If you think about the modem as the dividing point between you and the
Internet then you control everything on the inside. This is your
network and you can lay it out and assign IP addresses, as you like.
From the modem to the internet are controlled by your ISP and the
initial setup registers the MAC address for that modem and the ISP
assign you an IP address from their dynamic IP space.
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