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Number of posts : 138
Registration date : 2007-03-03

C-Prompt Empty
PostSubject: C-Prompt   C-Prompt Icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2007 9:54 pm

1. First things first! We have to learn Netstat. Netstat, short for network statistics is a text program used for monitoring your home networks activity.

Start by getting into Ms-Dos!

To get into Ms-Dos you can either go to start menu/run.
Type in cmd or command and hit enter. Or you can go to Start/Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt.

Now that we are in the command prompt. Type this and hit enter! netstat -n. (with space between netstat and -n)
Now we are in netstats connection area. The simplest explanation of getting IPs thru Yahoo using Netstat.

2. Now I will explain this section of netstat to you. Your command prompt screen should look similar to this:

C-Prompt Netstat
3. Remote port 5050 Is usually the Yahoo Messenger instant message port. Remote port 5000 and 5001 are Yahoo Voice Ports.
Remote port 5100 Is the Yahoo Webcam port. Also Yahoo sends files thru HTPP port 80 and 81. All you have to do is have an established connection to someone on yahoo. Cam or file sharing usually.
Open up Netstat and look for these ports after the Foreign Address IP. Then boom you got there IP address.
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